Information about the Processing Responsible of the data contained in the official page of BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. in the social network
According to the established in the Organic Law 15/1999, of Personal Data Protection (LOPD for its Spanish acronym), and the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21st December, for which the LOPD development regulation is approved (from now on RDLOPD), BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. wants to put to the users in this social network acknowledgment, the policy regarding the treatment and data protection of those people which willingly access and use BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L.’s official site.
The user’s access and use of BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L.’s official site makes it expressly accept this privacy policy, and gives its consent to the treating of their personal data.
Under-aged or incapable data
The access and registration to this social network is prohibited to people under fourteen (14) years old. The access to BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L.’s official site is also prohibited to people under fourteen (14 years old). On its own side, if the user is incapable, BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. warns of the need of the parental custody’s responsible person consent, or its legal representative, to access and use BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L.’s official site. BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. is expressly released of any responsibility that may derive from its official site use by under-aged and incapable, being their legal representatives the only responsible in each case.
Processing Responsible Company Name Identification
The user has been informed that BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L., with registered office at AV. CATALUNYA, 173, P.I. – 08440 CARDEDEU (BARCELONA), holds the condition of Files and Processing Responsible, through which user’s personal data is collected and stored as a consequence of the registration and use of BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L.’s official site in this social network, in spite of the treatments of which the social network’s legal entity is responsible, where our official site is found.
Purposes to which the personal data, information and consent are destined
The personal data willingly provided by the user to BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. through its official site will be included in a data treatment under BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L.’s responsibility, with the purpose of offering you information about BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. via e-mail, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical mean, present or future, which make the commercial communications possible, as well as the sending of Newsletters to those users who subscribe to it, to exchange information with BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. and other users and establish communication with third parties.
From the moment on which the user uses the actual official site, it gives its willing, unequivocal, informed and express consent to allow BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. treat its personal data, in order to receive the correct services according to the established in this policy.
The user is free to use BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L.’s official site in this network, and in case it does not agree with their personal data treatment for the purposes explained, it can stop using it and providing its personal data.
Through BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L.’s official site, the user can share texts, pictures, videos and other kinds of information and/or contents, which will be held to this policy, as well as to the Rules and Conditions of the Platform. The user will be responsible for respecting the legislation in force, the present policy and the Platform Rules in all contents it may publish.
The user can only publish personal data, pictures, information and other contents on BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L.’s official site when the ownership is its own, or when it disposes of the third parties’ authorization.
BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. will have the right to delete from this official site –unilaterally and without previous communication or user authorization- any published content by the user, when it transgresses or infringes the legislation in form, the present policy’s established rules and the Platform Rules.
Identification of the addressees with respect to those which BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. had planned to transfer or communicate data to
The user is warned that all the information and contents that may be published in BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L.’s official site in this social network will be able to be known by the rest of the official site and the social network platform’s users. Consequently, all the information and published contents by the user in BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L.’s official site in this social network will be an object of communication to the rest of users, for the service’s own legal nature.
BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. has only planned the fulfilment of transfer or communication of data that, according to the legislation in form, may be executed by judges, courts, public administrations, and competent administrative authorities.
Other third providing parties
BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. warns the user that this entity is only responsible and guarantees the confidentiality, security and data treatment according to this policy, regarding the personal data collected from the user through the present official site, having no responsibility regarding the treatment and posterior uses of the personal data that may be executed by the incumbent of the social network, as well as third parties which provide society of information services and may access such data, third parties which want to serve or to exercise its activity, third parties which establish hyperlinks on the social network, and those responsible to whom, throughout the use of hyperlinks, BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. redirects the registered users on this official site.
Data quality
BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. warns the user that, unless there is a constituted legal representation, no user can use the identity of another person and communicate their personal data. According to this, the user must acknowledge in every moment that the data it can supply can only belong to its own identity and they must be adequate, pertinent, actual, exact and true. In any case, the user must respect third parties’ privacy, whether they are registered users to this social network or not, or to BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L.’s official site.
Exercise of the rights of data access, rectification, cancellation and opposition
BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. informs the user of the possibility of exercising its rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition through a written request form addressed to BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L., with registered office at AV. CATALUNYA, 173, P.I. – 08440 CARDEDEU (BARCELONA), or to that replacing it and being communicated in the Data Protection General Register. In these effects, the applicant must send BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. the written communication indicating the petition or the right it exercises attached to a copy of its ID card or valid document that identifies its identity, expressly indicating their user name on BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L.’s official site on the social network, with the purpose of being unequivocally identified.
Other information of interest
BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. can modify and/or replace at any time the present policy that, according to the specific case, will replace, complete and/or modify the actual published which has been here presented. For that, the user will have to periodically access this policy, in order to keep updated.
The user can contact BOVER IL·LUMINACIÓ & MOBILIARI, S.L. via the internal text service in the social network or via the following contact data:
Registered Office: AV. CATALUNYA, 173, P.I. – 08440 CARDEDEU (BARCELONA)
E-mail: [email protected]
The user can as well consult the rules and policies published by the legal holder of the social network in order to use it.